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Introduction to business in the Tweed

Why live and invest in the Tweed?

The Tweed has a broad and productive economy worth around $2.5 billion a year.

A biodiverse environment, pristine air and water and a mild climate all add to the Tweed’s clean, green credentials – offering those who work, live and play here a natural advantage. Read more about why you should invest in the Tweed.

Living in the Tweed – within easy reach of all the offerings of our Gold Coast, Brisbane and Byron Bay neighbours – offers a relaxed coastal or country lifestyle where you can choose the pace that suits you.

Diverse opportunities

The opportunities for growth and diversification are significant across the Tweed.

Health care and social assistance
Retail trade
Education and training
Accommodation and food services
Public administration and safety
Rental, hiring and real estate services
Financial and insurance services
Professional, scientific and technical services
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Wholesale trade
Transport, postal and warehousing
Other services
Electricity, gas, water and waste services
Administrative and support services
Information media and telecommunications
Arts and recreation services
Total industries
